Why won’t my child listen? Why is my child always in trouble at school? Why is my child always so angry? What do I do when my partner doesn’t like my parenting style?
I can’t take my child anywhere! I’m exhausted! I want my child fixed! Why does my child always act that way?
These issues are often a daily struggle and only tend to increase with time unless positive changes are made.
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This Amazing Book is Available as an ebook on our website!
As well as in paperback and for Kindle on Amazon!

We ALL Face Parenting Struggles
During my 15-year career as a clinical psychologist, I’ve heard these same questions from overwhelmed, frustrated parents. These parents, like all of us, want their children to behave and make good choices. They want peace without worrying about what will go wrong next or what problem is about to begin.
As a mom
Additionally, as a mom, I’ve been there. I have the practical, real-life experience of being a parent of 7.5 children! I’m a biological mother of three (with all three born while I was in graduate school), stepmother of four, and grandmother of five, plus my best friend’s daughter lived with us through most of her high school years (she’s the .5).

Trust me, I know parenting can be rough at times. I have typical children who make poor choices and misbehave. I have experienced many of the same worries, concerns, frustrations, and struggles that most parents do. I understand from the practical perspective, as well as from the psychological perspective, how stressful parenting can be.
As a psychologist
My career and my life have always focused on families and children. I knew from an early age I wanted to help people and working in the mental health field has allowed me to do just that. I’ve been working with families and children for over two decades, even before I finished my degree, and have been able to help them solve many of their family’s problems.

My education in the field of psychology, work experience with families and children, and raising many children of my own are the reasons why I decided to write a book about parenting and family relationships!

How Many Times Do I Have To Repeat Myself? Simple Steps to Stress-Free Parenting and Better Family Relationships focuses on parenting techniques to make life easier. It focuses on practical solutions for managing parenting stress so you can enjoy your life, and enjoy your time with your family more! You will spend less time giving punishments and more time enjoying your children. You will learn strategies such as appropriate expectations and limitations combined with consistency, structure, and follow-through.
This book is a guide to better family relationships, more positive memories with your children, and easier ways to manage behavior problems.

You’ll learn…
- Specific strategies to deal with behavior problems
- The importance of and joy in making memories with your family
- Simple ways to follow through with consequences
- Creative, realistic consequences that work well and teach lessons
- To change the areas of life you can control and not worry about things you cannot control
- The importance of appropriate expectations and limitations
- The benefits of consistency and structure
- To ensure your child knows exactly what you want and expect
- To be aware of situational factors that may lead to tantrums
- How to maintain the improvements you will make
You’ll also…
- Be less stressed
- Experience less conflict with your children
- Experience less conflict with your significant other
- Increase your positive outlook on life
- Have more family fun
- Be more confident in your parenting abilities
- Have a better relationship with your children
- Broaden your parenting knowledge
- See positive changes in your child, yourself, and your relationship with your child
Use coupon code: summerfun2024 to save 75% off the price of the ebook through our website! This coupon expires on 8/31/2024. Take advantage of it now!
How Can This Book Help?
In my clinical practice, I often hear “I’ve tried everything and nothing’s worked.” Parents get overwhelmed and frustrated and feel there’s no hope of ever finding peace in their lives. This book offers over 115 pages of real strategies that work for real parents! These are the best parenting tips for moms and dads!!
Additionally, many parents want to help their children better manage their emotions but don’t know what to do. We discuss ways to make your expectations of your children clear, so they know exactly what you want. This decreases problems because expectations are fully understood. You’ll also learn creative ways to give consequences that teach the child better choices for future decisions.

Parents are less stressed when they have less conflict, fewer arguments to mediate, and less defiance. Less stress means you can enjoy more time with your children and with your family! From my practice as a clinical psychologist and from my own parenting (and grandparenting) experiences I know these strategies work and work well! I was lucky enough to have a background in behavior modification and psychology before I had children and I want to share that same information with all parents in a user-friendly format!

Better family relationships are possible!
Price: $19.97
Use coupon code: summerfun2024 to save 75% off the price of the ebook through our website! This coupon expires on 8/31/2024. Take advantage of it now!
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